Addiction Psychiatry
We provide evidence-based, individualized services to patients with co-occurring mental health and substance use disorders, training for medical personnel in addiction treatment and consultation to other programs that may address these issues. Our faculty members are board-certified psychiatrists with added qualifications in addiction and other scientists and clinical staff with expertise in this field.
Division Leadership

Daniela Rakocevic, MD, MS
Chief of Addiction Psychiatry
Education in Addiction Psychiatry
The Addiction Psychiatry Fellowship offers the opportunity to gain specialized skills in the care of patients whose lives are complicated by the effects of substance use. The clinical rotations are primarily located in addiction treatment programs and offer experience in the various levels of care and treatment modalities available to address these problems. The emphasis is to understand addiction as a chronic brain disease that can be successfully treated by a comprehensive biopsychosocial approach, including medications that target the underlying brain pathophysiology.
Furthermore, it is now more the expectation, rather than the exception, that individuals with psychiatric problems may also have a substance use disorder. This means that expertise in working with co-occurring psychiatric and substance use disorders is essential for competence as a practicing psychiatrist. The interplay of psychiatric symptoms with the effects of drugs and alcohol is a complex confounder in the treatment of both disorders. Addiction psychiatrists are the best prepared of all clinicians to provide the necessary care.
The addiction psychiatry training experience takes place after the completion of training in general psychiatry, so the fellow is often able to function as a junior attending or consultant and gains the experience needed to succeed as an independent practitioner after graduation. Each of the program’s faculty members are experienced specialists in the treatment of addictive disorders and provide the fellow with important professional mentoring. The trainee learns about the current behavioral health systems of care and, by the end of training, is easily employable and can often find leadership positions in this developing field. Finally, completion of the fellowship conveys the privilege to gain further medical board certification in addiction psychiatry, professional recognition of the highest degree.
Addiction Psychiatry Research
The Department of Psychiatry & Behavioral Sciences features several nationally recognized research programs. Addiction psychiatry fellows have opportunities for supervised participation in funded research projects. Visit our Research page to learn more.
Patient Care in Addiction Psychiatry
We provide evidence-based, integrated treatment for individuals who have co-occurring psychiatric and substance use disorders on their journey to better health. We work to develop hospital and community resources for people with these complex problems and to promote understanding of their development and treatment. Our care is guided by compassion, dignity and respect. Visit our Patient Care page to learn more.